# Semantic Web Gang Podcast: April 2008
The April 2008 Semantic Web Gang Podcast has been released. I enjoyed taking part in this episode, it is a little bit more relaxed than our first episode (mainly because there are less people, and so everybody got their chance to speak about particular topics).
Strangely, I sound incredibly camp on this recording… oh dear!!
Topics include:
- Wikipedia for Data
- DBpedia
- The Linked Data sets available now (see Richard Cyganiaks Linked Data Cloud )
- “Coming-up” at the WWW2008 conference and LDOW2008
- The separation of business and academia
- Is Linked Data beneficial to business? (of course it is!!)
The panel this month consisted of:
- Paul Miller
- Daniel Lewis
- Tom Heath
- Alex Iskold
The special guest this month was:
- Georgi Kobilarov
You may have noticed that I had a follow-up blog post extending some of my thoughts expressed in this podcast episode. The blog post was “The Divide between Business and Academia“.
Its good, so go listen!