Daniel’s Blog

BarCampOxford Announcements

February 7th, 2008 by daniel


I was at Oxford Geek Night 5 last night to announce BarCampOxford stuff, except I kinda messed it up:

(photo taken by Alex Blok of O’Wonder)

The messing up was probably due to a number of reasons:

  • My co-organiser (Pete Cooper) not being there because of illness, and being told about that a couple of hours before the evening
  • Not being able meeting someone else before the evening about a project, because she is currently ill
  • I started taking Bisoprolol Fumarate (a beta-blocker) that day to treat my Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Just not being prepared to do the announcements in that break

But oh well, as Alex Blok said to me last night:

You did fine. After all, if Bar Camp is supposed to be unprepared and chaotic, you just summed it up perfectly… :-)

So, anyway. I have created some slides and a little video to show whats really going on with BarCampOxford:

Also go to the BarCampOxford website for more information.

Technorati Tags: oxfordgeeknight5, ogn5, oxford, geek, night, barcamp, barcampoxford


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