Oxford Geek Night 5Ways to get Data into Virtuoso

# The Data Space Philosophy

semweb, web 3.0 @ 04 February 2008

Data Spaces Philosophy: Why and How?

Data Spaces are the best way to look at user related/orientated data, and I am not just saying that because I work for OpenLink Software who invented OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS). I shall explain using diagrams that I created for explaining OpenLink Data Spaces.

The best way to visualise a Data Space is by imagine that you and your data are in a Solar System:

And your Solar System can build relationships with other Solar Systems, this can be:

  • a contact/friend (foaf:knows)
  • an identity which is really the same as you (owl:sameAs)
  • or something else, such as a pointer to see something else (rdf:seeAlso)

You can start to picture that there are multiple solar systems in a galaxy and multiple galaxies in a universe - which is how we achieve congruency with the universe scale.

In this universe of relationships everything has its own name, just like in Stargate SG1 P3X-272 (coincidently a planet with a repository of knowledge), this name is the universal key, the Unique Identifier also known as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

As you may have noticed, our solar system is made up of objects described in Resource Description Format (RDF):

It uses technologies which enable the Semantic Web Vision which was proposed by Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila in 2001 [1], and then extended by Shadbolt, Berners-Lee and Hall in 2006 [2]. A Data Space system is a bit like nature - everything is related somehow, this is achieved by making full use of Linked Data (which involves linking data across knowledge bases / domains of information to achieve semantics for human readers and machine readers). As you can see Linked Data is very useful within a system and across systems (e.g. across galaxies in our data space analogy). Kingsley Idehen and Michael Bergman have interesting blog posts about Linking Data titled “FOAF-ing Linked Data is quite SIOC-ing” and “Linked Data Comes of Age” respectively.

A Data Space will use vocabularies such as FOAF and SIOC to interconnect data:

Everything in a Data Space is accessible via a URI, and can be queried using a language such as SPARQL.

This is all available now through OpenLink Data Spaces which lays on top of OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server, and I expect that this kind of Linked Data and Data Space philosophy will become more and more common over this year (2008).

{p.s. you may have noticed that this blog post is full of links, these are actually me manually Linking Open Data! By doing this I am actually expanding the Giant Global Graph. For some explicitly human readable references see below}

Human Links:

  • [1] Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler & Ora Lassila: “The Semantic Web“, Scientific American 284(5):34-43 (May 2001)
  • [2] Nigel Shadbolt, Tim Berners-Lee and Wendy Hall “The Semantic Web Revisited.” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21 (3). pp. 96-101. (2006) ISSN 1541-1672
  • OpenLink Software
  • OpenLink Data Spaces
  • Kingsley Idehen - Blog
  • Michael Bergman - Website
  • RDF Project on the W3C Website
  • FOAF (Friend of a Friend) Vocabulary - Website
  • SIOC (Semantically Interconnected Online Communities) Vocabulary - Website
  • SPARQL Specification
  • Semantic Web Project on the W3C Website
  • Linked Data Resources
  • The Linking Open Data Project

Folksonomy Links:

Technorati Tags: dataspaces, openlink, linked, data, semanticweb, web30, web20, rdf, dataweb

4 Responses to “The Data Space Philosophy”

  1. Zitgist Browser or “zLinks” Plugin for WordPress - Semantics In Action « Andrew A. Peterson and Ramping Up Says:

    [...] see the plugin in action, check out the blogs of Daniel Lewis, Michal K. Bergman or of course, Frederick [...]

  2. Web Semantico: semanticizzare un WordPress blog (Parte 2) | Stalkk.ed Says:

    [...] citare un articolo di Daniel Lewis (Technology Evangelist di OpenLink Software) intitolato "Data Spaces Philosophy: Why and How?", un articolo che parla di "Spazi di Dati" (Data Spaces) originati da una [...]

  3. Dataspace e web semantico « esperimento tre Says:

    [...] origine nella comunita’ del Web Semantico (si veda Stalkk.ed, dal quale ho preso spunto, e Daniel’s blog per un approfondimento). Riferito ad uno specifico utente, ne descrive lo spazio concettuale che lo [...]

  4. Dataspace, web semantico e database « esperimento tre Says:

    [...] origine nella comunita’ del Web Semantico (si veda Stalkk.ed, dal quale ho preso spunto, e Daniel’s blog per un approfondimento). Riferito ad uno specifico utente, ne descrive lo spazio concettuale che lo [...]

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