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# SemanticCamp London

semweb @ 09 January 2008

Its official, we have released it.

SemanticCamp London has been officially announced. It is being organised by Tom Morris and I, and should be of interest to all those with interest or experience of any of the following:

  • W3C Standards for the Semantic Web (RDF, RDFa, OWL, GRDDL, SKOS etc etc) and Web (XML, HTML, XHTML etc etc)
  • Microformat Standards (hCard, XFN etc etc etc)
  • DataPortability Standards (OpenID, OAuth etc etc etc)
  • Other Standards/Formats/Vocabularies/etc (FOAF, eRDF, JSON, SIOC etc etc etc)
  • Other stuff: Library Science, Ontologies, Taxonomies, Fol