Daniel’s Blog

I have Mac OS X Leopard

November 5th, 2007 by daniel

I am now running on Mac OS X 10.5 (aka Leopard) it is absolutely awesome! I wasn’t sure that I would be, but as a developer and general mac user I do actually like it. It took me 40 minutes to install at 1pm this afternoon.

Here are my favourite non-dev features:

  • Spaces: Having linux style workspace is really nice, and very much longed for
  • Front Row: seems interesting, but I haven’t explored it much yet
  • New Finder: iTunes style, but it doesn’t feel like iTunes… I was a bit worried about this before today.

Here are my favourite development features:

  • Objective-C 2.0: Awesome, I look forward to getting stuck into it.
  • Ruby, Python and PHP installed: Ruby and Python are even built into XCode 3 with a cocoa bridge, its awesome
  • XCode 3: some nice additional features

Its ashame that we’re still on Java 1.5 (aka 5), I’d like to upgrade to Java 6 (aka 1.6) - maybe I’ll be able to do that soon.

Feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading,


Technorati Tags: macosx, apple, leopard, mac

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