Daniel’s Blog

Default Browser : Mac OS X : Solution

March 17th, 2007 by daniel

Hi all,

I was getting really annoyed that Safari was the default on Mac OS X. Don’t get me wrong, I do love Safari, I used it all the time once, and some of the features in the WebKit are looking fantastic. I just mostly use Firefox for things, I’ve managed to cope for at least 2 years with Safari popping up by default… but today I decided to change it. Here is how I did it (its in an awkward place now, in early OS X versions it was in System Preferences, but in the newer versions its more difficult to find for some silly reason):

  1. Open Safari
  2. Safari Menu > Preferences (or just do command/apple and comma i.e.  z, as the keyboard shortcut)
  3. Then go to the General tab
  4. There is a “Default Web Browser” combo box, where you can choose your browser of choice.



Technorati Tags: macosx, default, browser, safari, firefox

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