Daniel’s Blog


February 22nd, 2008 by daniel

Here is my DataPortabilityAndMe video

John Breslin’s DataPortabilityAndMe Video is also good, and so is Ian Forrester’s DataPortabilityAndMe Video.

Technorati Tags: DataPortabilityAndMe, dataportability, semanticweb, web

Rough Transcript
Hi, I am Daniel Lewis, I work as a Technology Evangelist for OpenLink Software. In this short movie i will be discussing data portability. At OpenLink we research. develop and support Database and Semantic Web technology, and so meaningful data is at the heart of what we do.

I feel that portability of data is really important from an ethical point of view. When you buy a computer you can save and move your files wherever you like, this should be the same with your files and information on the web. You should be able to have your content where you like and be able to link to it when you want to use it. This is Data Portability.

I come from a Semantic Web background, which means I have spent quite a lot of time researching, developing and evangelising quite a simple model for connecting things together. For example, in its simplest form you can connect a user with a blog with authorship as the relationship.

I would like to see the Semantic Web and the DataPortability communities work together, as we have similar ideals and I feel that both complement each other very well. In the Semantic Web community we believe that the Uniform Resource Identifier (aka URI) is the most important thing for distributed data, for example, I could write up a review for the film National Treasure: The Book of Secrets, this would be on my blog because thats where I want it and thats where I can control it fully, the film however isn’t anything to do with the blog, so if I use the films URI which represents the National Treasure 2 object then we have linked data and true data portability through reference.

There are other key issues in DataPortability, such as authorisation/authentication and we have recommendations such as <a h