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# Artificial Intelligence - NOT in Games

academic, technological @ 10 November 2007

Something for you to think about:

Through the 80s and 90s Artificial Intelligence didn’t do very well, before then there was such a buzz about machine intelligence. AI was traditionally about pattern analysis and finding new information, this was usually within business or science applications - this basically died during the 80s, and we didn’t see any business or science applications… but it survived in games. Why? Why is it not in use (as much) in business or science? (note: it has always been in academic research)
I think what I am trying to say is, whenever someone says “Artificial Intelligence” then the people that hear that always say “oh, what, in games?”. I went into Borders Bookshop earlier, and I wanted to find some of the books that are on my booklist next year - “aha!” I said as I found the “Research Computing and AI” section. Fact is I did not find one book that was about AI but not about Games. The closest thing I found was a book about LISP, and that was not even in the AI section.

However, things are changing. I believe that the use of Semantic Web technology will help people see that there are other forms of Artificial Intelligence, as everything that is in val