Daniel’s Blog


September 4th, 2007 by daniel

Hello Everyone,

I have just had someone from “The Children’s Society” knock on my door, the guy was a very nervous looking boy about 18 years old. He made a good presentation to me, but unfortunately I cannot give right now due to just coming out of uni and only just being able to survive at the moment. So I present to you, the reader, with the website:


(and if you would like to see Iggy Pop, then you can see one of his shows and support The Children’s Society: https://www.rockthehouselive.com/?page=home )

I really do feel for these societies, I remember a couple of years ago someone from Women’s Aid knocked at my door. Obviously a similar charity to The Children’s Society, but for Women. Unfortunately I am very broke right now, and can’t support myself and charities, I am working on fixing my brokeness and things will be better in the future for me, and in turn that means better for any charity that I choose.

So I have let you know these links, so hopefully you may be able to do something for them.

Many thanks,


Technorati Tags: charity, charities, thechildrenssociety, womensaid

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