Daniel’s Blog

First Year Programming Languages

April 24th, 2007 by daniel

I have started to construct a list of programming languages found in first year undergraduate computing/computer science/software engineering degrees. Please see this website for a list:


Please get in contact with me:

  • If you are a current student at a university and don’t see the first year languages of your university (or I have made a mistake)
  • Are a prospective student of a university not listed and would like me to find them out for you (or you have found them out)

If you are a prospective student then please do not judge an institution based on the programming language that they teach. A course is all about the theory that they teach, and its all about the ability to implement something and not in any particular programming language.

This list arose out of a discussion about whether or not a particular programming language should be required for courseworks which shouldn’t actually test whether you know a particular language but should test that you can implement it. (For example, an Agent Technology system should not really need the requirement of being in the Delphi programming language, as the student could develop an agent and its environment in any language he/she likes (e.g. java, ruby, C#, C++… anything really)).

Feel free to comment here if you would like to add to the list, alternatively feel free to skype or email me. My contact details are on my business page: https://www.vanirsystems.com/



(this list has kind of evolved from thoughts within the Brookes Computing Society)

Technorati Tags: undergraduate, firstyear, programming, languages, computing, computerscience, brookescomputingsociety


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