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# Q

religious @ 09 January 2007

I am not going to say much about this, Quotes:

Thomas (66):

“Jesus said, ‘Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That one is the cornerstone.’”

Matthew (21:42):

“Jesus told them, ‘Have you never read in the Book, that The stone rejected by the builders, became the chief cornerstone, …it was thus the will of the Lord, and a miracle for our eyes to behold?”

Mark (12:10):

“And did you not even read the Book?
‘The stone that was rejected by the builders,
became the cornerstone’?”

Luke (20:17):

“[Jesus] gazed at them and said, What is that which is written,
‘The stone that was rejected by the builders,
…is the very one that became the cornerstone?’ ”

Psalm (118:22):

“The stone the builders didn’t accept
has become the most important stone of all.”

I find the importance of this cornerstone very interesting today, maybe it means something. Maybe today is a cornerstone for me, a key to my future, or maybe I am being too philosophical???

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